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MUD Sewage Issues

Published: July 07, 2023

We have received information that the lift stations at the MUD have been clogging up due to the disposal of non-biodegradable products. Among these products are flushable wipes which, despite being labeled as a flushable product, are typically made with synthetic materials that won’t break down. These wipes along with other non- flushable items such as paper towels and even cotton balls will clog systems, posing a hazardous risk to sewage systems that can result in considerable costs of repairs. Please limit the items you flush to toilet tissue and other sanitary items routinely meant for flushing as a means of proper disposal. This will help prevent risk to sewage systems and avoid expensive costs for breakdowns.

Another cause of sewer back-up is the disposal of grease and other fats and oils and coffee grounds often disposed of down a sink or even the toilet from time to time. These products should never be disposed of in this manner. Even using hot water to flush down grease, oils or fats will not prevent the buildup in the pipes and drains over time. Coffee grounds and even egg shells can wreak havoc on your disposal and may also cause clogs. All such items should be disposed of in your waste containers or as instructed on the packaging.

For more information, please check out the attached flyer “DO NOT FLUSH”. You can also visit for more tips on how to keep our pipes clean!

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through your Association’s website under the “Contact Us” tab and select “General Question” in the drop-down menu.

Thank you for helping us take care of our community!

Click here to download and read the Homeowner Notice Re MUD Sewage Issues- Travis Ranch

Travis Ranch HOA

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