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HOA Committees Being Re-Organized

Published: May 12, 2015

The Committees of the Travis Ranch HOA, re-organized two years ago when Essex first took over the management of Travis Ranch, have become depleted and need to be filled-out and reorganized. If you feel you might be able to contribute to your community, just fill out the enclosed form or fill it out at the link below or on the HOA website. (Please submit by June 1. We will get back to each and every applicant to discuss committee selection, answer questions and let you know when your committee will be meeting to organize. You can call Ken Uding, chairman, Communications Committee at 972-357-7210 if you have any questions).

If you have ever volunteered, but didn’t get adequate follow up; we apologize (we know it has happened.) We hope that now you will come forward again. Also, if you do have past experience on a Travis Ranch committee, you’re welcome to help the new committee to know what has to be done and to learn from your experience (even if you’re not able to actually be a member now).

Your Communications Committee will assist all committees to cooperate with each other and will keep all members abreast of current issues in Travis Ranch including meetings of the committee chairmen, to serve partly as a “Steering Committee”.

In September, there will be the annual attempt at a general HOA meeting. The Communications Committee’s goal for that meeting is to achieve (for the first time) the quorum necessary (10%) to have it become an “official” HOA meeting and thereby assert some responsibility for the residents of Travis Ranch. Members of all committees along with interested non-members will work together to achieve that goal.

Travis Ranch Homeowners Association

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